"Pioneering Progress for Preterm Care: The L&M Foundation's Four Pillars of Hope."

Our intervention strategy stand firm on four pillars that encapsulate the objectives of the Foundation

Strengthening Clinical Systems

The L&M Foundation is committed to strengthening healthcare infrastructures that offer comprehensive solutions for preterm infants and maternal care.

Key Points:

  • Prioritising the augmentation of medical resources for premature births, especially in both developed and developing countries.
  • Pioneering affordable and sustainable healthcare practises, emphasising the reach to marginalised and deprived populations to enhance maternal and neonatal services.
  • Demonstrating impact through the execution of multiple targeted initiatives across various nations, showcasing the foundation’s growing global footprint.

Parental support

The L&M Foundation advocates for life's precious beginnings, mobilising societies to shift perceptions surrounding preterm births and nurturing a culture of knowledge and compassion.

Key Points:

  • Offering psychosocial support to parents.
  • Undertaking educational initiatives to underscore the challenges and potential long-term health issues facing preterm infants.
  • Developing protocols and guidance for care and support of preterm infants.  

Enhancing Early Care

Within the pivotal first 1000 days, the L&M Foundation ensures a supportive and nurturing environment for preterm infants and their mothers.

Key Points:

  • A dedicated team driven by the mission to secure a healthy start for all children, irrespective of birth circumstances.
  • Delivering a comprehensive care model that extends from neonatal to early childhood, addressing both the emotional and economic impact on families.
  • Facilitating community and clinical networks to provide unwavering support for expectant and new mothers. 

Fostering Global Partnerships

The L&M Foundation focuses on developing strategic partnerships with governments and like minded organisations both in developed and developing countries.

Key Points:

  • Aligning with the first four SDGs to reinforce the foundation’s vision for holistic child and maternal health.
  • Partnering with prestigious institutions and global health authorities to spearhead a collective mission for the advancement of preterm infant care.
  • Establishing a systematic approach to gathering, organising, and disseminating scientific evidence, reinforcing the foundation's commitment to informed, data-driven advocacy and intervention.